NCC Certificações do Brasil Ltda.

NCC Certificações do Brasil Ltda is a certification body accredited by Cgcre/Inmetro. The organisation carries out the impartial and objective technical conformity assessment of products and services in accordance with current safety standards and resolutions, following the requirements established in ABNT ISO/IEC 17065 and ABNT ISO / IEC 17021-1.

Company Information:

Phone +55 19 2517-9600
Address Rua Conceição, 233, Suite 2511 Campinas
City São Paulo
Province/Region Brazil
Zip Code 13010-916
Country Brazil
Membership Type Associate Membership
Organization Type Testing Laboratories

About Us

Enabling the future of mobility services

OSPT Alliance is a member-driven, global community dedicated to enabling the future of mobility services across a variety of markets including transport, ticketing, access control and micro-payment. We represent stakeholders from the entire mobility ecosystem. Discover how we can benefit your company or organisation and how you can support our vision of more efficient, innovative and seamless consumer services.